Gallery 136 High Street, Margate Ct9 1JW
This fun workshop will take you through candle making basics whilst making a couple of different candles including an eco-friendly aromatherapy soya wax container candle which you can take home and enjoy. We’ll cover health and safety, equipment needed, wax types, wicks, fragrance and moulds/containers.
This hands-on workshop gets you practiced in candle making basics including the selection of wicks, scenting, colouring and using different types of moulds under the watchful eye of an experienced tutor. In creating different types of candles we aim to teach the subtle difference in techniques and wicks needed in different situations and to inspire a passion for candle making. Students will also get to look at and handle different types of moulds. You’ll get to make and take home an aromatherapy scented container candle, a moulded candle, and a candle of your choice. This is a comprehensive introduction for beginners which goes beyond most introductory candle making workshops.
We’ll also cover wax melts and you’ll be able to make and take home 6-8 melts to enjoy.
People who have been on this workshop have been blown away! This is a top quality workshop.
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Gallery 136 High Street, Margate Ct9 1JW
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Gallery 136 High Street, Margate Ct9 1JW
Gallery 136 High Street, Margate Ct9 1JW
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